Thursday, May 11, 2017

"The missing Angel"

"The missing Angel"
Mizanur Buiyan
Every year the mother's day comes
My heart cries for missing her from our life.
My eyes gets burst into tears
Because she is no longer with us.
I feel so blamed myself
Because during her passed away
I was not being able to be next to her.
She refused to be in the intensive care
She wanted to return home for freshness of living.
But family members wanted to protect her to live
So, she was bundled up and sent to the intensive care.
My believe, she could not absorb the stress
And left us silently when everyone was away from her.
She must got upset and felt lonely
Because none of her lovely kids was around her
only doctors and nurses that felt her like a prison.
I feel immensely obligated of her death
Because we forced her to be in the intensive care.
And no one could see and say her good bye
At the time of her departure away from this universe.
She was not only my mother
She was an angel for everyone who knew her
She never thought of living wealthy and selfish.
My mother had five sons and three daughters
Four of her sons lives in abroad.
The money was send for her living and treatment
She always shared that money among the people need help.
She never talked behind people and whispered
She loved people as she loved her children.
She was genuinely a beloved wife of our father
She never argued or irritate to him
But loved him deep and with respect.
An Angel never dies and don't let them die
They may have physical disappearance
But invisibly the soul always remain around you
So, give them same attention, love and respect
As always you have done in past...So Angel will never be missed.
A special Note:-
[At last my request to all, if your elderly parents gets sick
Take them to general care, not to intensive care
Because everyone will die sometimes in life, that is real
But you may miss that part
Intensive care seems like a prison for the elderly patients
and no visitors allowed to be there..
Let them die peacefully and be around them that time]
11 May 2017
Virginia, USA

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