Saturday, June 13, 2020


THE THIRD EYES (Second Episode)


An independent obsevation of a citizen

There is a tale in our society that "Bangali learns everything late" that might be true because of the nation has very much patience in the sense of respect and tolerance. But that always being misunderstood and misused by the administrative bodies and the power holders. Too much loyalty brought them in too much suffering. In historically, it has been proven several times that, this brave nation has shown their genuinity, integrity, efforts and courage to establish the sole right for the land, the security, prosperity, peace and justice for all but that never been honored or ensured by any regimes came to the power in last four decades. These unfortunate people always has been misleaded and given false hopes again and again.

Whenever, people raised their voice and initiated for any movement to acquire and regain their rights or protested against any illegal action and issues, at the same time there always have been conspiracy to suppressed the movement and also to divert that into the different direction. So basically, these unfortunate people never saw any fruitful result of their struggle and sacrifice that they contributed to get the result of it. This trend had begun during the time of British regime and we inherited that into our blood and using same process to kill all deeds, efforts and the possibility that might bring some possibility to gain something better for the country.

What British regime taught us that exactly still in our culture, even after 65 years of their departure? Still our politicians are using the same fascism; as style, in the politics and victimizing the people for their own benefits. So that is the whole reason, the conscious society and the people were never been able to succeed in their mission of struggle and could not bring the actual result of it. Every single time people proceeded to their success of mission far ahead but hypocrism and bad intentioned politicians, stopped that right at the door point. So our course of real democracy and human right never saw the Daylight.

Although, it is fact that there are a huge number of the bad intentioned people involved in politics but good thing is! that numbers are very smaller compare to the total number of the people, those would like to see the change in the country. Also it is a good news that younger generations are very much inspired and enthusiast to bring the change in the total system.

Beside all types of problem and criticality exists in the society, also at the same time shows a big hope that most of the people are in the society are very conscious and well-visioned for the better future of the country. Above all, it is our believe, the day is not that far, when this young generation will bring the sun out and it will make brighter Bangladesh as a luminous star in the global sky.

To be continue=================


Mizanur Bhuiyan


Date & Time : February 11 2013, 1.46 pm Estern time


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