Saturday, May 7, 2016

"The way of peace in true love"

"The way of peace in true love"
Mizanur Bhuiyan
The moment love and unity ties together
The love wins with full of joys and happiness.
The moment love and unity attacks by parasites
The love slowly dies and the evil wins.
The love and the unity makes the dream true,
and walks through the peace to the heaven.
The Heaven is a desire of mind that makes
possible in life by true love and sacrifice.
Romance is the key to keeping the sparks flying
Just like a pair of shining stars brightening in the sky,
feel alive in a way that nothing else can do.
Without love, the relationship will soon lose its shine
Times have been tough, and things have gone wrong,
But the deep love and the affection remains untouched.
The flower blows the fragrances and the beauty
when a sweet love walks by it.
When a true love touches with the spirit of romance
The soul finds the soft and warmth feelings of heart.
When a true love ties together, even skin is wrinkled
the charms of the face has demolished but
Feelings, affections and relationship will be there all at along.
You may say why go on, there's nothing that's right,
Love is all about the promise to care and share each other.
A love so precious a love so true and divine
It is just a thought that love comes from the heaven
The peace exist nowhere; but it lives in everyone's mind.
07 May 2016
Virginia, USA
(Copyright is strictly followed)

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